
Akita Kiss or No Kiss

Always a Bribe


Pilling Akita Dog

Giving Himeko her Medicine


Relaxing With My Akita

Relaxing with Kumason on a hot afternoon


Bonding with Akita Dog

Here I am bonding with my big boy Kumason on a cold winter day


Akita Dog Bone Like New

Kumason is a power chewer but loves his nylon bones. I like to smooth them out when they become rough and sharp so that he doesn’t hurt his gums. The Dremel works like a charm


Akita Dogs Kumason and Himeko with Coyote

Kumason and Himeko are interested in coyote decoy


Akita Dog and Coyote

Himeko is meeting Coyote


Akita Dog Stalks a Raccoon

Himeko is in high prey drive


Akita Dog and Fedex Truck

Kumason is guarding his territory


Akita Dog Drools for Squirrel

The window pane was so wet from Himeko’s drool as she watched the squirrel


Akita Dog Stalks a Squirrel

Getting ready to go for a walk when Himeko spotted a squirrel


Making Homemade Dog Cookies

Kumason and Himeko Enjoy Homemade Cookies


Akita Dogs and Whipped Cream

Kumason and Himeko enjoying their snack


Akita Dog Watches Favorite Video

Himeko is enjoying watching this video of herself and her boyfriend Kumason eat whipped cream.


Akita Dog Relaxing with Mommy

Just hanging out with my handsome boy Kumason.


Akita Dog Butter Licker

Himeko my female Akita has an affinity for butter. I heard her licking something and when I went into the kitchen, this is what I saw.


Akita Dog Watches Herself on TV

Here is Himeko who is almost 3 years old watching herself play with her best friend Kumason who is 6 1/2. They play very rough and while Kumason is 105 pounds and she is 82 pounds, he is very careful not to hurt her.


Akita Dog Watches Formula 1

Himeko and I are enjoying watching Formula 1 Monaco, both rooting for Lewis Hamilton. She watched the entire race with me.


Removing Tick From Dog

I am removing a tick that I found crawling on Kumason. I'm glad he's white because it was easy to spot.


Dremeling Akita's Nails (6 1/2 years old)

Kumason likes when I dremel his nails. He is very food motivated so putting cream cheese inside his bone works well. I started dremeling Kumason's nails when he was about 12 weeks old. It was not so easy at first as he was very scared of the dremel. With patience, perseverance and a high value treat, he gradually learned to enjoy and look forward to his pedicures.


Dremeling Akita's Nails 6_1_18

Kumason likes when I dremel his nails as he gets a cream cheese stuffed toy.


Stubborn Akita

Kumason did not want to get out of the car.


Two Akitas Playing 1/27/18

A morning playtime with Kumason and Himeko. Kumason, the white one is 5 years old and Himeko is 17 months old.


Pet Emergency Card Kit

Now you do not have to worry when you leave your pet(s) home alone for the day if so something unforeseen were to happen to you.


Akita Dog’s Surprise Birthday Gifts

Kumason turned 5 years old on 11_2_17. Here he is with some of his gifts from chewy.


Akita Puppy Lick Attack

Himeko is 14 months old. She loves to kiss.


Petting My Akita Dog

Kumason and I just relaxing in the morning. He will be 5 years old on November 2, 2017.


Ferocious Akita Dog

Always bonding with my handsome boy.


Removing Tick from Akita Dog

This is a fully engorged tick that I found on Kumason during our walk. Each time he comes off the grass, I always do a “tick check”. He seems to really enjoy it and wants to sniff the tick afterwards. Yuk! Kumason is 4 1/2 years old.


Two Akita Puppies Play

Himeko (5 1/2 months) and Storm (4 1/2 months) just met for the first time. Storm (the darker one) comes all the way from Budapest, Hungary.


Running With My Akita Dog

Just having fun running with my handsome boy. Kumason is 4 years and 118 pounds.


Akita Kumason Guards Home

This is what happens when a UPS truck pulls up. Kumason become ferocious when guarding his territory. He is 4 years old.


Akita Dog Wears New Coat

Kumason is relaxing in his new coat. He is 4 years old.


Akita Attacks Daughter with Kisses

Kumason jumped up on the bed for the very first time because my daughter was in it. He just loves her. Kumason is 4 years old.


Stubborn Akita Dog Walk

This is a perfect example of how stubborn an Akita can be. Kumason my 4 year old Akita only wants to walk in one direction, away from home. We love taking long walks.


Akita Dog and Giant Moose Toy

I just gave Kumason this moose for the first time. He loves it.


Akita Dog Guards His Territory

Here is Kumason guarding his territory when a delivery person drops something off.

Aftermath of Akita Dog Bath

This is what it looks like after giving Kumason a shower when he's blowing his coat.


Akita Dog Bonds with Owner

Just relaxing and loving my handsome boy Kumason on a hot summer afternoon.


Akita Dog Silly Stretch (3 years, 10 months)

This is what Kumason does in the morning when I sit down next to him and put on my shoes. I captured it in slow motion because it's so funny. Akitas stretch like cats.


Akita Dog Marks His Spot

This is what I contend with each and every time Kumason relieves himself.


Akita Dog Watches Video of Himself (3 years, 10 months)

Kumason is watching himself as a puppy. At one point he turns his head away but his eyes are still looking at the screen. He just can't resist.


Akita Dog at Pet Store

Kumason and I are not big fans of heat and humidity so on hot summer days, we like going to a pet store.


Akita Dog Dreaming

 It looks like Kumason was running in his sleep. What was he dreaming?


Akita Dog Watches TV

Kumason is enjoying watching his favorite program.


Akita Dog Watches TV

Kumason continues to enjoy his favorite program up close.


Akita Dog Wears Booties

In this video, I’m trying to get Kumason used to wearing booties so that the salt put down on the roads in the winter, won’t hurt his feet.  It's so funny watching him prance about.


Son Meets Akita Dog for First Time

I never told any of my four children that we were getting a dog as I wanted to surprise them all.  Two of them were away at college.  In this video, my son Brian just came home from school and got the surprise of his life!  Kumason is 3 months old and 36 pounds.


Daughter Meets Akita Dog for First Time

I never told any of my four children that we were getting a dog as I wanted to surprise them all.  Two of them were away at college.  In this video, my daughter Brooke just came home from school and got the surprise of her life!  Kumason is 3 months old and 36 pounds.













